Wow! It’s been 75 whole days since we started this lifestyle program. 75 days of two-a-day workouts, 1 gallon of water a day, 10 pages of reading a day, no alcohol, and healthy eating. There is a lot for both of us to take away from these last 75 days and we want to share our overall thoughts, feelings, and lessons learned from 75 Hard and our 75 Hard program results.
Turns out our body is made up of mostly water and most of us don’t get nearly enough water in our life daily. We broke down how we make a gallon of water happen daily in an earlier post, so check that out. This is a habit we both plan to keep, maybe not a full gallon every day but you can bet it will be more than 8 glasses! We broke this down by our individual body size, exercise routine and sex which opened our eyes to how much water we actually need. Michael will stay on track for the gallon/15 glasses of water daily while Danielle will drop down to closer to 11/12 glasses daily.
We all need to move our bodies daily. One of our goals this year is to move our body for 30 minutes every single day! Yep, every single day. Through the last 75 days not only did we prove to ourselves that we had time to workout daily we proved that we could do a total of 90 minutes of exercise a day via two workouts, one being outside in the middle of Michigan winter!
Proving to yourself that you actually have time to workout is a challenge in itself. Here’s all our tips and tricks on how we made it happen, and hopefully it will prove to you that you’re capable of doing it too! We want to develop a healthy lifestyle for our children and show to them what that looks like. We plan to continue morning workouts daily and as the weather turns, nightly walks with the boys so they can move their bodies a little more too!
If you’re not learning something new everyday are you really living life?!? We believe knowledge is the key to life. And feeding our brain daily is not only important but essential to living a truly filled life. Our book list is constantly growing and we love sharing all the growth with each of you. Reading has always been a part of our lifestyle and one we plan to continue to keep as a nightly habit. Looking for some solid reads? Here’s our current reading list, some of which we’ve already read.
As to everything in life, if you want to create a good habit or change you need to be consistent in what you do. One thing for sure these last 75 days have provided for us is a chance to stay consistent on all the things. Allowing us to build in time for things we need to accomplish and set goals we can achieve.
This challenge did one major thing for both of us. It validated for us both that we are capable of following through on anything we set our minds too. There are always ways to make time. It’s just a matter of looking at how you are ACTUALLY using your time. This past week with everything happening in the world we felt we were consuming more media than normal. In fact this morning we looked back at our overall screen time on just phones alone…and, you guys, we were both up between 2-3 HOURS daily. And that is just on our phones! So we’re going to set limits to create better overall habits and allow us to prove we can create time.
If you haven’t realized this yet, our number one take away from this program has been recognizing that daily habits is where true change is made. While daily habits aren’t made overnight or even in 75 days, starting with change is how we plan to form new habits and drop off bad ones. The 75 day challenge has shown us habits we want to form and we will continue to work on till they become automatic in our lifestyle.
It is worth knowing that we saw this program through from start to finish for 75 days without taking a single day off, all while running a business, growing and managing a team, being present parents and spouses, and balancing with all of the inevitable outside noise. If we are capable, you are too. And maybe 75 days is just not a fit, we get that. Start with one and make a promise to yourself to be 1% better every day. That is all it takes…
Much love-
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