Yes two things I know a lot about: blogging and motherhood. But let’s start this conversation off really clear – by no means am I an expert in either area. In fact, some days I feel like I am barely floating by, you know just treading the water so I don’t drown type of thing. Where other days I really feel like I’ve got my shit together! So let’s chat, shall we.
I’ve been blogging for a minute now, ok maybe a little longer than a minute. We are going on 3 years that I’ve had my own space on the internet that I like to call mom wife foodie and we sit to chat and have our coffee or wine together, right ???? ?!? So let me give you a little information about how I balance these two parts of my life – blogging and motherhood.
To start, all my content is based around my family. I am constantly collecting content that has to do with us and what is REAL and true to us. Sure, sometimes I bribe the boys to get into a photo, but 90% of the time we just go with what we get. And yes, we take about a million photos to get just a few that work. But that’s all you need!
I blog about two to three times a week. I would love to be able to put out new content five days a week, but that just isn’t realistic for me. I need to be able to work and spend quality time with my dudes, just being their mom. So three days a week if it’s a good week and two otherwise. But with that being said if we’ve got a lot of crazy things going on in life and blogging just isn’t happening as consistently as we’d like. I always chose motherhood first hence the reason I had very few posts in the month of August. And we definitely feel it, it hurts. The numbers decline…but that’s ok.
When it comes to Instagram I post there 5 to 6 times a week. Lately I’ve been posting only during the week and trying to keep my weekends IG free. Not so sure how that helps with their algorithm, but I am not going to stress about it. At the end of the day we know that these social platforms are businesses, and in order to “be seen” you have to pay to play…and for me, that simply is not authentic.
Early mornings, late nights and nap time tend to be my blogging time. I find that I am really an early riser when it comes to working. For a long time I would power through things at night. But lately that’s just not working for me. I would much rather go to bed earlier and get up earlier to start my day out alone. Yes, I totally come downstairs and write in complete silence with coffee and it’s wonderful. Nap time is tricky. I usually use this time to engage with social media, since only Ziggy naps. Enzo likes to enjoy his down time but he also enjoys that one-on-one time we get when ZIggy is sleeping. So I have to be careful to split the time. Because yes Instagram can bring me down a rabbit hole and sometimes feels like I’m never coming out ????I try to post when I know my readers and followers are on their phones too. But with most of my followers being fellow mamas I know their time is always fluctuating with what’s going on in their life!
Time management is something I swear I am still struggling with. There are for sure days where I feel like I’ve got it all together like I said before. But others don’t seem to feel that way almost like time is just passing me by and I am not being effective with it at all. I have turned to planning out my time using an actual planner. I love love love the passion planner. In fact I did an entire blog post earlier in the year about it. Check it out if you’re in the need for something new! I try to schedule one major task a day. That way I can really have a focus when it comes to blogging. For example, one day I plan my Instagram, the next day is dedicated to planning for Facebook, the following day is dedicated to Pinterest and so forth. I schedule time to write, time to engage with my readers/followers and time to do everyday life things. For me planning my time is essential to my success.
When it comes to collaborations I don’t have a number that I am willing to take on or work with each month, week, or year. What I have done is worked with brands that feel right to us. So what that means is if I truly don’t love it even if the brand is willing to pay us a whole lot of money we are not working with them. I look to partner with brands that fit our everyday lifestyle. Ones that we use or have just discovered. I turn down 90% of the brand collaboration opportunities presented to me because they are just not the right fit for us. Maybe some day I’ll be to the point that I’ll have a number that we can collaborate with per month, week or year. But right now we are going with what feels right to us and our brand.
Wow, I clearly had lots to say about blogging and motherhood. I’d love to know if you’ve got any questions. Please email me, dm me or leave a comment below. And the best part is you get to learn how all these inspiring mamas do it too! | @occasionally_perfect | @mrsseacannon | @britthavens | @steph__pollock | @cultivatemotherhood | @_ashley_noel_ | @hellobabybrown | @thelovedesignedlife | @henaandco | @amandapahls
much love,
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Thanks for joining us this week mama. Love your words and how genuine you are with your work! It shows in everything you do! xoxo
Thank you so much for having me! I love being able to work with other creative women like you girl!