Is that something we really need to do? Absolutely! Make time for things in life that make us happy, truly happy. Those things that fill us up and make us so glad we woke up today. So often our days are controlled by things we cannot actually control: meetings, obligations, appointments…the list goes on and on. We find ourselves sitting down to build our schedule around things we can not actually control vs looking at the parts of our day we can and filling those parts with things we love and want to do.
We just recorded a podcast on this exact topic. Check out the Stay True Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify!
With everything happening in our lives now, I am finding my perspective to completely changing in regards to my schedule and how I actually make time for my life. Over the past few months I found myself making a mental list of all the things I wanted in my life. I knew I needed to get these things on to paper, so I sat down and made a list of all the things I want to do in my life daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. I really thought about the things I want to have in my life – all the little things that often get overlooked or passed up. So, I started with a list of things I wanted to have in my life daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. From there I broke my list down into ways I could schedule these things into my life by looking at the times of my day I could control.
Today I am going to share my list with you in hopes that it will motivate you to try to find time for you in your life too. Remembering we are each unique and individual so our list should look different. Mine can be used as a starting point to get your thinking going, which I truly hope you take the time to do.
I am moving into block scheduling which isn’t new for me. This is what I have used all through teaching. Through this schedule I am able to block together time to accomplish tasks throughout my day. I like to have longer blocks of time in my schedule that allow me to accomplish the task at hand more efficiently, as well as be present in that moment. I am breaking down my day into 7 time blocks and truly think this type of scheduling can work for anyone.
I am using natural breaks in my day to create my block schedule. My first block is from the moment I wake up till we take our kids to school (at least what would normally be school drop off). I’ve built-in a transition time between blocks to allow myself the gift of time and the feeling of abundance of time, because it is such a great feeling. My second block is from when I get home until lunch. Again, eating is a natural breaking point in my day which not only reminds me to do so, but allows me time to transition. My third block is from lunch until school pickup or what is now called the end of the school day. Here, I stop earlier than needed to again allow for transition time and get my mind wrapped back into mom mode from work mode. The next time block is from after school until dinner. After that we our next block from after dinner until bedtime and then our final block of the day is from when we put our boys to bed until we go to sleep.
Since I have full control of my morning and evening times I make sure to jam pack those with things I want to accomplish daily. Here’s a look at our time blocks and how I use them to live a life I want.
5:00-8:00 – Morning Personal Time/Getting Ready for School
9:00-12:30 – Morning Work/ Home Office Time/Lunch
12:30-3:30 Afternoon Work/Client Meetings
3:40-5:30 After School Time
6:00-7:30 After Dinner Time
8:00-10:00 After Bedtime/Personal Time
I honestly love this look at my daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals. I have my schedule blocked Monday-Saturday which has allowed me to be more effective in my day and present which makes me truly happy. I’m wasting less time on things that don’t truly matter in life. Tell me what are some of the things you want in your life daily?
-much love
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