If you’re anything like me you’ve reached the point where you really need to do something more. It is Monday, April 20, 2020 and we’ve been stuck in self-isolation for 5 weeks now in Michigan, the last 4 of which have been with no work and zero money stream coming in. We’re past the point of stress and anxiety. We’re in a serious rhythm and routine with home schooling, working together in the home office, fitness regimen, diet and Thursday date night. Things are on the up and up…but something is missing.
For me, my mind is on overdrive with ideas on how to elevate both the Clark + Aldine brand and my personal brand. The ideas are flowing, I am catching them all on paper and I am setting plans into action – at least ready for when we are unleashed back into the wild.
To get there, I outlined a set of key strategies that have empowered me to be my best self and give my absolute best effort where it is needed. Not only have these helped me be my best at business and personal development, but as an attentive and purpose driven husband and father, too. A lot can change in 5 weeks…much more than I ever thought possible.
For me that means moving my body for 30 – 60 minutes a day. We’ve been doing 1 30 minute workout in our home gym, and one outdoors – typically a power walk or walk/run with the boys. The kids need fresh air too so this is a win win for the family.
Don’t have a home gym or fitness app? Tap into the influencer community to get free at home workouts using nothing but your body. My friend, celebrity trainer Brian Mazza, shared a 30 day at home workout and it will get you feeling it!
I can’t stress this enough. Water is the number one ingredient to living a healthy life. And you really can’t get enough of it in your body. For the last 6 months I have been throwing down at least a gallon a day, and you should too. Note – you will be making some trips to the bathroom but it will be well worth it.
Want an extra challenge? Add 10 – 20 pushups each time you go to the bathroom…you’ll be sore for a few days, but then it is savage mode!
This extended time at home has probably had you thinking about your career, or perhaps life in general. You may have realized you no longer want to do what you do for who you do it on behalf of, or maybe you love what you do and want to strengthen your value. In any case this is the perfect opportunity to identify a coach who can help you succeed at what is now, and what is next. There are a ton of solid, successful and talented coaches who offer virtual life coaching and business coaching.
We’re not yet at the point where we are ready to invest in a local business coach, but I am taking this opportunity to invest in both life coaching and business coaching. I’ve been following Dave Hollis for quite some time and have mass respect for the way he’s transformed his life post-Disney and into becoming CEO of the company his wife, Rachel, built. I have chosen to invest in his coaching and will be back with an update on how it has worked for me.
You name it and there is a course for it. From gardening, to building furniture and becoming an award winning caliber chef, if you want it you can find someone who offers a course in it. So whether you want a new hobby or, again, want to strengthen your skillset, what better time than now to find a course and get after it.
There are a ton of free and low cost courses out there too…so take some time and research what is best for you.
The libraries are closed but your brain is always open for business. As is Amazon, and hopefully your local bookstore, because we all know that local needs love in these times. So when the Netflix binges have succumbed and there is nothing left to stream, take inventory of the shelves in your space. See what you notice missing and start building your cart. Books are a great way to motivate and inspire yourself, and they happen to serve as a great source of styling for your space…it is a win win.
To get you started take a look at a quick list of recommendations I pulled together…we also have another post on books coming up soon!
Get Out Of Your Own Way, Dave Hollis
High Performance Habits, Brendan Burchard
Stay Safe. Be Well.
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